Collection Development Policies
One of the primary services of the college library is to purchase and subscribe to a wide array of resources that support the mission of the institution, the curriculum, course relatedness, student assignments and the interests of the patron population. Appropriate collection development also requires the removal of resources and the cancellation of services that no longer serve the needs of the community, increase in subscription costs, or due to space restrictions.
The library consists of six major types of resources: archival, books, media, electronic, serials/periodicals, and scores. The following policy describes the process in which the HJF librarians make decisions regarding these resources.
One of the primary services of the college library is to purchase and subscribe to a wide array of resources that support the mission of the institution, the curriculum, course relatedness, student assignments and the interests of the patron population. Appropriate collection development also requires the removal of resources and the cancellation of services that no longer serve the needs of the community, increase in subscription costs, or due to space restrictions.
The library consists of six major types of resources: archival, books, media, electronic, serials/periodicals, and scores. The following policy describes the process in which the HJF librarians make decisions regarding these resources.
Book Collections
The library maintains a number of book collections that can and will evolve regularly. The following policies describe each collection the library maintains and how decisions for adding and removing resources are determined.
Main Collection
The Main Collection holds the bulk of the books the library manages. The titles vary in subject to fit the the many disciplines and learning styles of the Morningside College curriculum and community. The Main Collection consists of one subcollection: the Oversized Collection, which are titles that are too big physically to fit on normal shelving.
Purpose: To provide access to academic titles that fit the general curriculum and the campus interests.
Location: Main Collection is located on the 3rd Floor of the Learning Center. Oversized titles that do not fit on normal shelving are located on 1st floor of the Learning Center. New titles for the Main Collection can be found on the 1st floor of the Learning Center.
Selection Criteria: The titles added to the collection annually are done so via faculty/staff request, relevancy to campus events/speakers, donations, and by the library’s judgement through the use of Choice Reviews. The library recognizes that some disciplines use books more than others, and the selection criteria reflects this situation by purchasing and providing more titles for those disciplines; however, the library attempts to represent every discipline in some aspect in the collection. All additions via donation and faculty/staff request are subject to a librarian’s approval based on relevancy to the curriculum and need within the current collection. Please see the Donation Policy for more information about donating materials to the library.
Deselection Criteria: Age, use, condition, and relevancy all play a role in deciding when a title is no longer fit for the collection. This process is subject to the librarian's’ discretion and are only intended as guidelines for maintaining a relevant and current collection. The process for deselection is detailed as follows and typically occurs during the summer.
Time Frames for Consideration of Deselection by Classification
Circulation Policy: Books in the Main Collection can be checked out by students, faculty, staff and public patrons with a valid Morningside ID or Sioux City Public Library Card for 30 days.
Main Collection
The Main Collection holds the bulk of the books the library manages. The titles vary in subject to fit the the many disciplines and learning styles of the Morningside College curriculum and community. The Main Collection consists of one subcollection: the Oversized Collection, which are titles that are too big physically to fit on normal shelving.
Purpose: To provide access to academic titles that fit the general curriculum and the campus interests.
Location: Main Collection is located on the 3rd Floor of the Learning Center. Oversized titles that do not fit on normal shelving are located on 1st floor of the Learning Center. New titles for the Main Collection can be found on the 1st floor of the Learning Center.
Selection Criteria: The titles added to the collection annually are done so via faculty/staff request, relevancy to campus events/speakers, donations, and by the library’s judgement through the use of Choice Reviews. The library recognizes that some disciplines use books more than others, and the selection criteria reflects this situation by purchasing and providing more titles for those disciplines; however, the library attempts to represent every discipline in some aspect in the collection. All additions via donation and faculty/staff request are subject to a librarian’s approval based on relevancy to the curriculum and need within the current collection. Please see the Donation Policy for more information about donating materials to the library.
Deselection Criteria: Age, use, condition, and relevancy all play a role in deciding when a title is no longer fit for the collection. This process is subject to the librarian's’ discretion and are only intended as guidelines for maintaining a relevant and current collection. The process for deselection is detailed as follows and typically occurs during the summer.
- The library runs a report that identifies the publication date and circulation count for each title in the collection. The titles that have not circulated within the recommended time frame for each Dewey Classification, are identified for deselection. Time frames are detailed below.
- Each title that is identified for deselection is evaluated for condition and relevancy to the curriculum and collection. Considerations are made for titles that are considered cornerstone works in their particular field, have cross discipline relevancy, have prior circulation history and are in good condition, and/or are the only title in their respective field/area within the classification.
- If a title has been identified through the previous two steps needing deselection, the title is removed from the stacks, deleted from the local catalog and interlibrary loan services and sent to Better World Books to be donated to another library’s collection, sold online, or recycled. The library receives a small monetary reimbursement from Better World Books for titles that they sell.
Time Frames for Consideration of Deselection by Classification
- Identified for review if title has not circulated in past 5 years
- 000s - Computer science, information & general works
- 500s - Science (general science, biology, mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, earth science, zoology, paleontology, botany)
- 600s - Technology (medicine, health, nursing, engineering, agriculture)
- Listed for review if title has not circulated in past 10 years
- 100s - Philosophy & Psychology
- 200s - Religion
- 300s - Social Sciences (anthropology, sociology, political science, economics, law, education)
- 400s - Language
- 700s - Arts & recreation
- 800s - Literature
- 900s - History & geography
Circulation Policy: Books in the Main Collection can be checked out by students, faculty, staff and public patrons with a valid Morningside ID or Sioux City Public Library Card for 30 days.
Media Collections
The library maintains two main media collections - CDs & DVDs. The following policies describe how decisions for adding and removing resources are determined.
Music & Audio Recordings Collection
The Music & Audio Recording Collection contains compact discs of various music genres of music, but mostly classical. There are also foreign language CDs available.
Purpose: To provide access to specific productions and recordings of musical works.
Location: 2nd floor of the Learning Center
Selection Criteria: Titles are obtained through purchase and donation. The development of this collection is limited due to the availability of music electronically and is therefore only added to by request or donation from faculty/staff.
Deselection Criteria: This collection has limited space available and its growth is therefore restricted. Titles will be considered for deselection based on age, condition, use and relevancy. If a title is in poor condition but has yielded high use, a new edition will be ordered to replace the current one. When space restricts the addition of new titles, the oldest titles with the lowest circulation count will be considered for deselection to make room for the new titles in order to keep the collection current and relevant.
Circulation Policy: The books in this collection can be checked out by Morningside College students, faculty, staff for 30 days.
Films & Movies Collection
The Film & Movies Collection contains nonfiction and fiction films of various genres and scope.
Purpose: To provide access to films for academic and recreational use.
Location: 1st floor of the Learning Center
Selection Criteria: Titles are obtained through purchase and donation. Titles selected for purchase are culturally significant, national or international award winners, or requested by faculty for course use. Donations are subject to a librarian’s approval on an individual title basis with considerations made to condition, age, and relevancy.
Deselection Criteria: This collection has limited space available and its growth is therefore restricted. Titles will be considered for deselection based on age, condition, use and relevancy. If a title is in poor condition but has yielded high use, a new edition will be ordered to replace the current one. When space restricts the addition of new titles, the oldest titles with the lowest circulation count will be considered for deselection to make room for the new titles in order to keep the collection current and relevant.
Circulation Policy: The materials in this collection can be checked out by Morningside College students, faculty, staff for 30 days.
Music & Audio Recordings Collection
The Music & Audio Recording Collection contains compact discs of various music genres of music, but mostly classical. There are also foreign language CDs available.
Purpose: To provide access to specific productions and recordings of musical works.
Location: 2nd floor of the Learning Center
Selection Criteria: Titles are obtained through purchase and donation. The development of this collection is limited due to the availability of music electronically and is therefore only added to by request or donation from faculty/staff.
Deselection Criteria: This collection has limited space available and its growth is therefore restricted. Titles will be considered for deselection based on age, condition, use and relevancy. If a title is in poor condition but has yielded high use, a new edition will be ordered to replace the current one. When space restricts the addition of new titles, the oldest titles with the lowest circulation count will be considered for deselection to make room for the new titles in order to keep the collection current and relevant.
Circulation Policy: The books in this collection can be checked out by Morningside College students, faculty, staff for 30 days.
Films & Movies Collection
The Film & Movies Collection contains nonfiction and fiction films of various genres and scope.
Purpose: To provide access to films for academic and recreational use.
Location: 1st floor of the Learning Center
Selection Criteria: Titles are obtained through purchase and donation. Titles selected for purchase are culturally significant, national or international award winners, or requested by faculty for course use. Donations are subject to a librarian’s approval on an individual title basis with considerations made to condition, age, and relevancy.
Deselection Criteria: This collection has limited space available and its growth is therefore restricted. Titles will be considered for deselection based on age, condition, use and relevancy. If a title is in poor condition but has yielded high use, a new edition will be ordered to replace the current one. When space restricts the addition of new titles, the oldest titles with the lowest circulation count will be considered for deselection to make room for the new titles in order to keep the collection current and relevant.
Circulation Policy: The materials in this collection can be checked out by Morningside College students, faculty, staff for 30 days.
Musical Scores Collection
The Musical Score Collection contains full size as well as mini scores consisting of primarily classical music.
Purpose: To provide access to well known pieces of music for the Morningside College campus, especially the fine arts areas.
Location: Basement of the Learning Center. Please ask a librarian to access the scores.
Selection Criteria: Musical scores are not actively purchased, but added to primarily through donation. All donations are subject to librarian approval.
Deselection Criteria: This collection has limited space available and its growth is therefore restricted. Scores in poor condition will be removed to make room for other scores that have been donated.
Circulation Policy: Scores in this collection can be checked out by Morningside College students, faculty, staff for 30 days.
Purpose: To provide access to well known pieces of music for the Morningside College campus, especially the fine arts areas.
Location: Basement of the Learning Center. Please ask a librarian to access the scores.
Selection Criteria: Musical scores are not actively purchased, but added to primarily through donation. All donations are subject to librarian approval.
Deselection Criteria: This collection has limited space available and its growth is therefore restricted. Scores in poor condition will be removed to make room for other scores that have been donated.
Circulation Policy: Scores in this collection can be checked out by Morningside College students, faculty, staff for 30 days.