Business & Accounting Databases
The following are the most recommended for business & accounting research. Please remember that depending on your research topic, you may have to expand your search to other disciplines to get the best results.
Most Recommended
Business Source Premier (EBSCO)
"Includes more than 1,100 active full-text journals and magazines, 660 active full-text peer-reviewed journals, nearly 300 active full-text peer-reviewed journals with no embargo, and more than 550 active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus. Included subjects are: accounting, finance, economics, marketing, management, management information systems, and operations management" (EBSCO 2019). Includes Regional Business News, video content from the Associated Press, and MarketLine Company Profiles.
Gale Business: Insights (Gale)
"Explore the world's companies through expert analysis such as SWOT analyses, financial statements, case studies and articles from academic journals, trade magazines, news outlets and more. Explore the world's companies through expert analysis such as SWOT analyses, financial statements, case studies and articles from academic journals, trade magazines, news outlets and more. Browse subjects to access the most relevant articles and publications for your research topic. Explore over 1,057 industries with industry reports, competitive landscapes, Plunkett Reports, case studies and more. Explore countries and territories by their top industries and the companies based there, along with relevant articles like news, magazine articles, and more” (Gale 2023).
" is one of the first statistical portals in the world to integrate data on over 80.000 topics from over 22,500 sources onto a single professional platform. Categorized into 21 market sectors, provides companies, business customers, research institutions, and the academic community with direct access to quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets" (
Thomson Reuters Accounting Library
A collection of federal codes and regulations for taxes & accounting professionals. Included in this library are: Accounting, Audit & Corporate Finance Indexes; Federal Code & Regs; ERISA, Regs and Rulings; RIA Tax Watch; Federal IRS Pubs & Other Tax Docs; Federal Rulings/IRB; USTR Code Section; and GAAP Reporter.
Wall Street Journal (Dow Jones)
The HJF Library provides full access to the Wall Street Journal online including PDFs of the current print editions, all WSJ blogs, and the WSJ mobile apps. This link will take you to the FAQ page on how to set up your individual WSJ account.
Current Events & News; Includes Mobile Application
Current Events & News; Includes Mobile Application
Academic OneFile (Gale)
"The premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles for academic libraries from the world's leading journals, this comprehensive resource covers the physical and social sciences, technology, medicine, engineering, the arts, technology, literature, and many other subjects. With millions of articles in both PDF and HTML full-text format and simultaneous, unlimited usage, researchers are able to find accurate, timely information quickly" (Gale 2017).
To search a specific subcollection, look for databases with (Gale OneFile) in the title.
To search a specific subcollection, look for databases with (Gale OneFile) in the title.
Academic Search Elite (EBSCO)
Academic Search Elite offers nearly 1,600 active full-text journals and magazines, more than 1,300 active full-text peer-reviewed journals, more than 670 active full-text peer-reviewed journals with no embargo, and more than 1,100 full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus. Academic Search Elite covers most disciplines, provides access to news and videos from the Associated Press.
Business Source Premier (EBSCO)
"Includes more than 1,100 active full-text journals and magazines, 660 active full-text peer-reviewed journals, nearly 300 active full-text peer-reviewed journals with no embargo, and more than 550 active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus. Included subjects are: accounting, finance, economics, marketing, management, management information systems, and operations management" (EBSCO 2019). Includes Regional Business News, video content from the Associated Press, and MarketLine Company Profiles.
Communications & Mass Media (Gale OneFile)
"Powered by InfoTrac, the Communications & Mass Media Collection brings together information found in more than 400 journals. Nearly 3 million articles on all aspects of the communications field, including advertising, public relations, linguistics, and literature, meet the needs of researchers. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder, InterLink, and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience" (Gale 2017).
DATA.GOV (US Government)
“ is the United States government's open data website. It provides access to datasets published by agencies across the federal government. is intended to provide access to government open data to the public, achieve agency missions, drive innovation, fuel economic activity, and uphold the ideals of an open and transparent government.”
Government Resource; Contains Primary Sources
Government Resource; Contains Primary Sources
EBSCO eBook Collection (EBSCO)
"This growing subscription package contains a large selection of multidisciplinary e-books representing a broad range of academic subjects. The breadth of information available through this package ensures that students and scholars will have access to information relevant to their research needs.
Offering more than 200,000 e-books, this collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, Harvard University Press and many others. Additional academic publishers include Elsevier, Ashgate Publishing, Taylor & Francis, Sage Publications and John Wiley & Sons" (EBSCOhost 2019).
Offering more than 200,000 e-books, this collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, Harvard University Press and many others. Additional academic publishers include Elsevier, Ashgate Publishing, Taylor & Francis, Sage Publications and John Wiley & Sons" (EBSCOhost 2019).
Economics & Theory (Gale OneFile)
"The Gale OneFile: Economics and Theory offers instant access to full-text academic journals and magazines—with a strong emphasis on titles covered in the EconLit bibliographic index. Content is useful for starting a business, marketing a product, developing policy, analyzing trends, constructing economic models, investing for the future, researching rates, and more. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder, InterLink, and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience" (Gale 2019).
Entrepreneurship (Gale OneFile)
"Ideal for business schools and entrepreneurs, Gale OneFile: Entrepreneurship is updated daily and provides insights, tips, strategies, and success stories. Users find more than 500 subject-appropriate, active, full-text periodicals, including: Beverage Industry, Black Enterprise, Economist, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, HR Magazine, Real Estate Weekly, Restaurant Business, Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, and more" (Gale 2019).
Environmental Studies & Policy (Gale OneFile)
“Investigate environmental issues with diverse perspectives from the scientific community, policymakers, and corporate interests” (Gale 2023).
Gale Business: Insights (Gale)
"Explore the world's companies through expert analysis such as SWOT analyses, financial statements, case studies and articles from academic journals, trade magazines, news outlets and more. Explore the world's companies through expert analysis such as SWOT analyses, financial statements, case studies and articles from academic journals, trade magazines, news outlets and more. Browse subjects to access the most relevant articles and publications for your research topic. Explore over 1,057 industries with industry reports, competitive landscapes, Plunkett Reports, case studies and more. Explore countries and territories by their top industries and the companies based there, along with relevant articles like news, magazine articles, and more” (Gale 2023).
HeinOnline Academic Library (HeinOnline)
HeinOnline provides access to 26 databases that provide full text to numerous journals, legal cases, U.S. Code, congressional documents, historical primary sources, the Pentagon Papers, legal classics, U.S. Statutes, presidential libraries, flight rules & regulations, and more.
Hospitality & Tourism (Gale OneFile)
"Gale OneFile: Hospitality and Tourism provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications that cover topics including the cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism. The database offers current and relevant content that provides well-rounded coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries. The curious traveler will also find a wealth of information, from contents on state parks and information on planning a vacation to full-text travel guides from Fodor's" (Gale 2019).
International Monetary Fund Data (IMF)
International Monetary Fund Data (IMF Data) provides access to macroeconomic and financial data. This includes data by country/economy, datasets, data topics, data by indicator, and more. IMF data is available for download. Also includes IMF Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), Financial Access Survey (FAS), and Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics (BOP/IP).
Open Access
Open Access
Insurance & Liability (Gale OneFile)
"Protection of assets—physical or intellectual—is a concern for those ranging from the individual property owner to multinational corporations. The Gale OneFile: Insurance and Liability connects researchers to hundreds of thousands of updated articles from leading journals, including: Business Insurance, Claims, Employee Benefit News, National Underwriter Life & Health, Pensions & Investments, Risk Management, and more. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder, InterLink, and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience" (Gale 2019).
JSTOR Collections
“JSTOR includes journal content, primary sources, images, and more across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences” (JSTOR 2011). Although most content found here is full-text, researchers may also find links to articles that are not available online through Morningside College. The HJF Library provides access through JSTOR to 15 Arts & Sciences Collections and 1 Life Science Collection.
Leadership & Management (Gale)
"Provides access to authoritative periodical content covering topics such as 21st-century skills, organizational dynamics and leadership, adult learning and continuing education, and more. Updated daily, this library resource is useful for researchers or any professional interested in career development" (Gale 2019).
LearningExpress PrepSTEP (EBSCO)
"This flagship LearningExpress product consists of a comprehensive selection of interactive online tutorials, practice tests, articles, e-books, and high-stakes test preparation — modeled after official tests. LearningExpress Library is designed to help students and professionals at all levels of learning achieve their educational and career-related goals" (EBSCOhost 2019).
This includes content in the following centers: Core Math and Science Skills, Core English Skills, College Success Skills, Career Preparation, Job & Career Accelerator, Computer Skills Center, Grad School Admissions Preparation, Placement Test Preparation, and Recursos Para Hispanohablantes.
Grad School Entrance Exams: GRE, GMAT, MAT, LSAT, PCAT, and MCAT.
Allied Health & Nursing Occupational Exams: Dental Assisting Certification, Medical Assistant Certification, Pharmacy Technician Certification, Physician Assistant Certification, Physical Therapist Assistant Certification, Radiologic Technologist Certification, Surgical Technologist Certification, Veterinary Technician Certification, EMT Certification, Paramedic Certification, NCLEX-RN, NCLEX-PN, and Nursing Assistant/Nurse Aide Certification.
Law, Civil Service, & Military Occupational Exams: AT-SAT, Civil Service Exams, Firefighter Exams, Border Patrol, Treasure Enforcement, Corrections Officer, Court Officer, Police Officer, Police Sergeant, Probation Officer/Parole Officer, State Trooper/Highway Patrol, RCMP Police Aptitude Test, Law Enforcement Skills, ASWB Social Work, ASVAB, Military Flight Aptitude, Officer Candidate, and CFAT.
Teaching Occupational Exams: CBEST, CSET Multiple Subjects, FTCE, GACE Program Admission Assessment, MoGEA, MTEL, NES Essential Academic Skills Test, ParaPro, Praxis Core, Praxis II Subject Assessments, and TExES.
Other occupational exams include: commercial driver's license, cosmetology, culinary arts, electrical, postal worker, plumbing, and real estate.
This includes content in the following centers: Core Math and Science Skills, Core English Skills, College Success Skills, Career Preparation, Job & Career Accelerator, Computer Skills Center, Grad School Admissions Preparation, Placement Test Preparation, and Recursos Para Hispanohablantes.
Grad School Entrance Exams: GRE, GMAT, MAT, LSAT, PCAT, and MCAT.
Allied Health & Nursing Occupational Exams: Dental Assisting Certification, Medical Assistant Certification, Pharmacy Technician Certification, Physician Assistant Certification, Physical Therapist Assistant Certification, Radiologic Technologist Certification, Surgical Technologist Certification, Veterinary Technician Certification, EMT Certification, Paramedic Certification, NCLEX-RN, NCLEX-PN, and Nursing Assistant/Nurse Aide Certification.
Law, Civil Service, & Military Occupational Exams: AT-SAT, Civil Service Exams, Firefighter Exams, Border Patrol, Treasure Enforcement, Corrections Officer, Court Officer, Police Officer, Police Sergeant, Probation Officer/Parole Officer, State Trooper/Highway Patrol, RCMP Police Aptitude Test, Law Enforcement Skills, ASWB Social Work, ASVAB, Military Flight Aptitude, Officer Candidate, and CFAT.
Teaching Occupational Exams: CBEST, CSET Multiple Subjects, FTCE, GACE Program Admission Assessment, MoGEA, MTEL, NES Essential Academic Skills Test, ParaPro, Praxis Core, Praxis II Subject Assessments, and TExES.
Other occupational exams include: commercial driver's license, cosmetology, culinary arts, electrical, postal worker, plumbing, and real estate.
Management Collection (EBSCO)
"EBSCO Management Collection is designed to meet the diverse information needs of today’s companies. This database contains full text articles from nearly 1,200 quality magazines and journals" (EBSCOhost 2019).
McClatchy-Tribune Collection (EBSCO)
“The McClatchy-Tribune Collection includes a 90-day archive of approximately 290 newspapers from the McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. This database is updated daily” (EBSCOhost 2019).
Current Events & News
Current Events & News
MIT Press eBooks
MIT Press Direct 2 Open provides access to the most current year of MIT Press eBook releases as well as to the back catalog of several thousand ebooks in the sciences, arts, business and humanities. Chapters are available to download as a single PDF for more books making it easy to get the content you need.
New York Times
The HJF Library provides full access to the New York Times online including PDFs of the most recent print issues, full online access to the website and blogs, and full access to the mobile apps. This link takes you to the FAQ on how to sign up for your individual account through the library.
Current Events & News; Includes Mobile Application
Current Events & News; Includes Mobile Application
News (Gale OneFile)
"This innovative full-text newspaper resource allows users to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, author, newspaper section, or other fields. Gale OneFile: News provides access to more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world. It also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder, InterLink, and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience" (Gale 2019).
Current Events & News
Current Events & News
Newspaper Source Plus (EBSCO)
“Newspaper Source Plus provides a full-text digital collection of the world's major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines. In addition, it offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources."
Content includes: more than 1,200 full-text newspapers, news from 160 newswires, more than 74 million full-text articles, and nearly 2 million television and radio news transcripts.
Content comes from the following sources: Associated Press (AP), CNN Wire, PR Wire, UPI (United Press International), Xinhua (China), ABC News, CBC, CBS News, CNN, CNN International, Fox News, MSNBC, National Public Radio (NPR), and PBS (EBSCOhost 2019).
Current Events & News
Content includes: more than 1,200 full-text newspapers, news from 160 newswires, more than 74 million full-text articles, and nearly 2 million television and radio news transcripts.
Content comes from the following sources: Associated Press (AP), CNN Wire, PR Wire, UPI (United Press International), Xinhua (China), ABC News, CBC, CBS News, CNN, CNN International, Fox News, MSNBC, National Public Radio (NPR), and PBS (EBSCOhost 2019).
Current Events & News
Regional Business News (EBSCO)
Content for Regional Business News is provided by leading publishers in business news including The Washington Post, PR Newswire US and more. Key resources include newspapers, radio and television news transcripts, trade publications, magazines and newswires" (EBSCOhost 2019).
Current Events & News
Current Events & News
Small Business Reference Center (EBSCO)
"Small Business Reference Center offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as tools to address many small business topics. It includes business videos, a help and advice section and details on how to create business plans.
Content includes: more than 400 full-text periodicals, more than 450 full-text reference books, and more than 630 business videos.
Features include: state-specific resources, business basics, start-up kit and business plans, industry information by small business type, and a unique user-friendly interface" (EBSCOhost 2019).
Content includes: more than 400 full-text periodicals, more than 450 full-text reference books, and more than 630 business videos.
Features include: state-specific resources, business basics, start-up kit and business plans, industry information by small business type, and a unique user-friendly interface" (EBSCOhost 2019).
" is one of the first statistical portals in the world to integrate data on over 80.000 topics from over 22,500 sources onto a single professional platform. Categorized into 21 market sectors, provides companies, business customers, research institutions, and the academic community with direct access to quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets" (
Thomson Reuters Accounting Library
A collection of federal codes and regulations for taxes & accounting professionals. Included in this library are: Accounting, Audit & Corporate Finance Indexes; Federal Code & Regs; ERISA, Regs and Rulings; RIA Tax Watch; Federal IRS Pubs & Other Tax Docs; Federal Rulings/IRB; USTR Code Section; and GAAP Reporter.
U.S. Census Bureau (US Government)
The ultimate place to find comprehensive and detailed demographic information on the United States. Now includes Census 2010 data. Pay attention to the browsable index "Subjects A to Z" and the categories on the home page.
Government Resource
Government Resource
Vocational & Career Collection (EBSCO)
"Designed to meet a wide variety of vocational and technical research needs, this database provides full-text coverage for trade and industry-related periodicals for high schools, community colleges, trade institutions and the general public" (EBSCOhost 2019).
Vocations & Careers (Gale OneFile)
"OneFile: Vocations and Careers provides access to journals and magazines that aid users in researching a vocation, finding an appropriate institution of learning, job searching, and maintaining a career. The database offers hundreds of current and applicable periodicals, from general career guides to highly specialized industry journals" (Gale 2019).
Wall Street Journal (Dow Jones)
The HJF Library provides full access to the Wall Street Journal online including PDFs of the current print editions, all WSJ blogs, and the WSJ mobile apps. This link will take you to the FAQ page on how to set up your individual WSJ account.
Current Events & News; Includes Mobile Application
Current Events & News; Includes Mobile Application
Wiley Online Library
Wiley Online Library provides full text access to all of Wiley's 1600+ journals going as far back as 1997, and includes access to architecture, art, business, economics, finance, accounting, chemistry, computer science, environmental science, humanities, law, life sciences, medicine, nursing, physical sciences, psychology and social sciences.